Newsletter June 7th 2015

June 8, 2015

Hello Welcome to the latest news from your local Amnesty Group. Our next meeting is Thursday, 11th June  2015 at 7.30pm at Moordown Community Centre, Bournemouth. We will keep business to a minimum as we have a speaker,  Andy Moody, AIUK China coordinator. We have recently taken on some Individual case files from China, and […]

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Newsletter June 7th 2015

June 7, 2015

Hello Welcome to the latest news from your local Amnesty Group. Our next meeting is Thursday, 11th June  2015 at 7.30pm at Moordown Community Centre, Bournemouth. We will keep business to a minimum as we have a speaker,  Andy Moody, AIUK China coordinator. We have recently taken on some Individual case files from China, and […]

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South America Newsletter June 2015

June 7, 2015

This is the latest newsletter from the South American team. Its copied virtually verbatim – obviously we’ve not tried out all the links! Columbia A Colombian trade union leader, Gilberto Torres, is beginning an unprecedented claim for damages against BP in the high court in London, alleging the oil company’s complicity in his kidnap and […]

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Newsletter May 11th 2015

May 11, 2015

Hello Welcome to the latest news from your local Amnesty Group. Our next meeting is Thursday, 14th May  2015 at 7.30pm at Moordown Community Centre, Bournemouth. On the agenda:- Stop Torture campaign update; Cuba update; Keep the Human Rights Act;  South American Individuals at Risk – details on some of these things below. But a quick note […]

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Spring Quiz

April 25, 2015

Quiz nights have been a major social event and fundraiser for many years now. And for at least a decade we’ve relied on the Ye Olde George in the centre of Christchurch for our spring quiz – despite their function room being somewhat gloomy (and grubby) and their charging for the privilege. We tried Ye […]

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Venezuela Action

April 11, 2015

Venezuela is intimidating and harassing human rights defenders, and making unsubstantiated allegations that they are seeking to undermine Venezuelan democracy. The authorities’ allegations concern the groups’ legitimate functions of documenting abuses and representing victims before international human rights bodies. As mentioned in the South American newsletter, last month marked the first anniversary of the outbreak […]

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Newsletter April 6th 2015

April 6, 2015

Hello Welcome to the latest news from your local Amnesty Group. Our next meeting is Thursday, 9th April 2015 at 7.30pm at Moordown Community Centre, Bournemouth. On the agenda:- Cuba petition; Keep the Human rights Act;  South American Individuals at Risk – details on all these things below.  Spring Quiz We are back on track with […]

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South America News and Action Update March 2015

April 6, 2015

This is the latest newsletter from the South American team. Its copied virtually verbatim – obviously we’ve not tried out all the links! Summary The last month has been eventful. In this update, we draw your attention to developments in Venezuela, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia and Chile. We also provide a link to the English […]

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Syria Refugee Crisis

March 28, 2015

At the last Regional Conference in Bristol, we were given some chilling facts and figures about the plight of Syrian Refugees and the lack of action from many countries such as the UK. Currently Syria’s neighbours – Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt – are shouldering the responsibility by hosting 97% of Syria’s refugees. This […]

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Newsletter March 10th 2015

March 10, 2015

Hello Welcome to the latest news from your local Amnesty Group. Apologies for short notice of the next meeting, which is our AGM, but your editor has had major computer “issues”. Our next meeting is Thursday, 12th March 2015 at 7.30pm at Moordown Community Centre, Bournemouth. On the agenda:-  AGM (including discussing/adopting constitution – see attached […]

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