Write for Rights (W4R) is Amnesty International’s annual campaign, sending greetings cards to prisoners of conscience, their families and other human rights defenders around the world. In 2022, more than 5 million messages of support and appeal letters were sent during the W4R campaign. They made a big difference to the people and communities confronting injustice and facing human rights violations.
We will be holding W4R events, where you can come along and write cards or letters, at Bournemouth Library on Friday 8th December and Saturday 9th December. Both 1.30 to 3.30. Details of all cases are below, along with videos of their case and letters to authorities you can download. You can also download a copy of the W4R 2023 booklet.
Poland: Justyna Wydrzyńska
Prosecuted for defending safe abortion
Activist Justyna Wydrzyńska felt compelled to help a woman in an abusive relationship access a safe abortion. But it is a crime in Poland to help a woman access an abortion outside the two remaining legal grounds, in the case of pregnancy resulting from an illegal act such as rape or incest, or danger to a woman’s health or life. Now Justyna has been convicted, setting a dangerous precedent and making access to safe abortion even harder for those who seek one.
Justyna Wydrzyńska’s own abortion experience, with no support or access to reliable information, gave her the strength and motivation to help others make informed decisions about their reproductive lives. Justyna co-founded Abortion Dream Team, an activist collective campaigning against abortion stigma and offering advice on accessing safe abortion in Poland, where abortion laws are among the most restrictive in Europe.
In February 2020, Justyna was put in contact with Ania (not her real name). Ania was in an abusive relationship, pregnant and desperate, saying she would rather die than continue with her pregnancy. Justyna, a survivor of a violent relationship herself, knew she had to help. She sent Ania her own abortion pills through the post, but Ania’s partner intercepted the package and contacted the police, who confiscated the pills.
In November 2021, the public prosecutor brought charges against Justyna for “helping with an abortion”. In March 2023, she was found guilty and sentenced to eight months’ community service. Her lawyers have appealed.
Justyna’s conviction sets a dangerous precedent. Without the support and trustworthy information that she and other activists provide, people like Ania would be alone and without access to safe abortion.
Demonstrating her courage in spite of the hostility she faces, Justyna says: “I was driven by the will to help when no one else wanted to or could help. For me, helping Ania was an obvious, decent, and honest thing to do.”
Take Action: Demand that Justyna’s unjust conviction is overturned
Tell Polish authorities to take all necessary measures to ensure that Justyna’s unjust conviction is overturned and to refrain from bringing any other charges against her for carrying out her legitimate defence of human rights. SIGN the AIUK petition
Write to:
Prosecutor General National Prosecutor’s Officeul. Postępu 3 02-676 Warsaw Poland
Email: biuro.podawcze.pk@prokuratura.gov.pl
Sample Letter
Salutation: Dear Prosecutor General
Twitter / X: @PK_GOV_PL
Hashtags: #IAmJustyna #W4R23

Justyna Wydrzyńska
Help keep Justyna’s spirit strong
Send her your message of solidarity and hope.
Justyna Wydrzyńska c/o Amnesty International Polska Sapieżyńska 10A 00-215 Warsaw Poland
Email: dla.justyny@amnesty.org.pl
Justyna is heavily featured in the October Europe Newsletter (and the AIUK coordinator has organised a demonstration outside the Polish Embassy in London on Saturday 2nd December)
United Arab Emirates: Ahmed Mansoor
Locked up for speaking truth to power
Ahmed Mansoor is a father and husband. He’s a poet, blogger and human rights defender. Before his arrest, Ahmed regularly raised concerns about the detention, torture and unfair trials of dissenting voices in the UAE. He spoke about problems within the justice system and of domestic laws that breach international ones. Now, he too is locked away, held in an isolation cell without a bed.
Ahmed Mansoor is a loving father and husband. He’s a poet, blogger, and human rights defender. Right now, he is locked away in a cell in al-Sadr prison, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. He spends his days in an isolation cell, with no access to books, pens or paper. He does not even have a bed.
His crime? Speaking the truth. Before his arrest, Ahmed was one of the few voices within the UAE providing the rest of the world with credible independent information about human rights violations in the country. He regularly raised concerns about the detention, torture and unfair trials of dissenting voices. He spoke about problems with the justice system and of domestic laws that breach international ones.
For this Ahmed is paying a high price. In March 2017, UAE security forces raided his home and arrested him. For over a year, no one, not even his family, knew where he was detained. In May 2018, Ahmed was sentenced to a decade in prison on charges including “insulting the UAE and its symbols”.
Protesting about his prison conditions, Ahmed has twice resorted to hunger strikes, losing dangerous amounts of weight and putting his life at risk. Despite this he is only allowed outside three times a week, when guards remove all other prisoners from the yard and Ahmed spends the little time he has in the sunlight, alone.
Ahmed Mansoor is a father and husband. He’s a poet, blogger and human rights defender. Before his arrest, Ahmed regularly raised concerns about the detention, torture and unfair trials of dissenting voices in the UAE. He spoke about problems within the justice system and of domestic laws that breach international ones. Now, he too is locked away, held in an isolation cell without a bed.
Take Action: Call for the release of Ahmed Mansoor
Tell the UAE authorities that Ahmed Mansoor must be immediately and unconditionally released, as he has been imprisoned solely for his peaceful human rights activism. SIGN the AIUK petition
Write to:
President of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan c/o Embassy of the United Arab Emirates 1 – 2 Grosvenor Crescent, London SW1X 7EE
Salutation: Your Highness
Twitter / X: @MohamedBinZayed
Note: For the best chance of the president seeing your letters, please take photos of them and post on Twitter / X and Instagram, tagging the president’s handles.
Hashtags: #FreeAhmed #W4R23

Ahmed Mansoor
Help keep Ahmed’s spirit alive
Send him your message of solidarity and hope.
Ahmed Mansoor c/o Ms S.F Gulf Centre for Human Rights PO box 245 Saida Lebanon
Twitter / X: @Ahmed_Mansoor
Note: Please post photos of your cards and letters for Ahmed on social media, so his family can see them.
Kyrgyzstan: Rita Karasartova
Facing 15 years for peacefully protesting
Rita Karasartova loves yoga, travelling and sewing traditional Kyrgyzstani jackets with her daughter. Now she is under house arrest, having spent months detained in a cramped cell unable to see or speak to her family. Worried about her people’s access to water, Rita peacefully opposed a border agreement giving control of a freshwater reservoir to Uzbekistan. She has been charged with attempting to “violently overthrow the government” and faces 15 years’ imprisonment.
Rita Karasartova loves spending time with her children, practising yoga, and sewing chapans, the traditional quilted jackets worn by people in Kyrgyzstan. But since October 2022 Rita’s life has been turned upside down. She was arrested and spent months detained in a cramped cell, denied access to healthcare and unable to see or speak to her family. Now she is under house arrest and a strict curfew.
Rita is a human rights defender and an expert in civic governance. For over a decade she dedicated her life to providing independent legal advice, helping people whose rights had been violated by a corrupt and unreliable legal system. She leads the non-governmental Institute for Public Analysis and is a member of the United Democratic Movement of Kyrgyzstan, fighting against poverty and injustice.
Alongside 26 others, Rita was arrested for opposing a new border agreement that gave control of a freshwater reservoir to Uzbekistan. The group called for people to peacefully demonstrate against the agreement, demanding transparency from the government. Like others, Rita feared Uzbekistan would restrict or prohibit access to water, a scarce resource in the region where loss of access could have devastating consequences.
Rita and the others were initially detained for organizing “mass disorder”, and she was charged with attempting to “violently overthrow the government”, which carries a maximum sentence of 15 years’ imprisonment.
Take Action: Free Rita Karasartova
Demand Rita is immediately released from house arrest, all charges against her dropped and that she can carry out human rights activities without fear of retaliation.
Write to:
General Prosecutor A. Toktonalieva Street, 139 Bishkek 720040 Kyrgyz Republic
Email: statement@prokuror.kg
Salutation: Dear General Prosecutor
Sample Letter
Keep Rita’s hope alive
Let Rita know she is not alone by sending your messages and drawings of friendship and hope.
Rita Karasartova c/o Civic Initiatives Abdrakhmanova 204 Office 14 Bishkek 710040 Kyrgyz Republic
Email: freedomrita@protonmail.com
USA: Rocky Myers
Three decades on death row despite flawed proceedings
Rocky Myers, a Black man with an intellectual disability, has spent three decades on death row in Alabama for murder. Assigned ineffective legal representation, Rocky was convicted following testimonies blighted by inconsistencies and alleged police pressure. Sentenced to death by a judge who imposed a death sentence against the jury’s wishes, Rocky was abandoned by his post-conviction lawyer, meaning he missed key dates for his appeal. Now he needs your help.
Rocky Myers is described by those who know him as gentle and kind. He loves his siblings, children, and grandchildren, and they adore him. He played drums in his church choir. At age 11, Rocky was diagnosed with an intellectual disability. He finds reading hard and can’t keep dates or times straight in his head. One night in 1991, in the town of Decatur, Alabama, his life changed forever.
An elderly white woman was murdered in a predominantly Black neighbourhood. Rocky, who is Black, lived across the street. Despite no evidence linking him to the scene of the murder, except for a video cassette recorder belonging to the victim which Rocky maintains he found abandoned in the street, Rocky was convicted of the crime.
Testimonies were tainted by inconsistencies and allegations of police pressure – one key witness later stated that he had lied. An overwhelmingly white jury found him guilty but recommended a sentence of life imprisonment. The judge instead sentenced Rocky to death. Overruling a jury in this way is now illegal in Alabama.
The US Supreme Court ruled that defendants with intellectual disabilities “face a special risk of wrongful execution”. This is certainly true for Rocky. Burdened with ineffective legal representation and abandoned by his post-conviction lawyer, Rocky missed deadlines for appeal. His execution could be scheduled at any time, and his only hope is for the governor of Alabama to grant him clemency.
Take Action: Stop the execution of Rocky Myers
Write to the governor of Alabama and demand they use their authority to grant clemency to Rocky Myers and commute his death sentence.
SIGN the AIUK petition
Write to:
Governor of Alabama Office of the Governor of Alabama 600 Dexter Avenue Montgomery, AL 36130 USA
Email: info@governor.alabama.gov
Salutation: Dear Governor
Sample Letter

Rocky Myers
Locked in a cell with no windows, take Rocky on a world tour through postcards
Send Rocky postcards or pictures of where you live, where you go on holiday, or places you love. Remember, Rocky has a hard time reading, so keep your messages simple.
Rocky Myers, AIS 0000Z563 Holman Correctional Facility, M-44 Holman 3700 866 Ross Road Atmore, AL 36503 USA
Note: Please add your full address to ensure the prison authorities allow Rocky to receive his mail.
Myanmar: Maung Sawyeddollah
Taking on Facebook for its role in atrocities
Maung Sawyeddollah was 15 when Myanmar’s military unleashed a campaign of killings and violence against people from the Rohingya ethnic group. Incitement circulated on Facebook, and amplified by the platform’s algorithms, fed into these attacks. Fearing for their lives, Sawyeddollah and his family fled to Cox’s Bazar refugee camp in Bangladesh. Now, Sawyeddollah and others from his community are calling on Meta, owner of Facebook, to pay reparations for its role in the atrocities, including funding for educational programmes in Cox’s Bazar.
Six years ago, life wasn’t easy for Maung Sawyeddollah, but he enjoyed playing football and dreamed of becoming a doctor. However, in 2017, when he was 15, his life was upended.
The Myanmar military unleashed ethnic cleansing against the Rohingya – an ethnic minority who have faced decades of severe state-sponsored discrimination in Myanmar. Thousands of Rohingya were killed, raped, tortured, and their villages burned.
Fearing for their lives, Sawyeddollah and his family walked 15 days to Bangladesh. They reached Cox’s Bazar refugee camp, where they still live.
Sawyeddollah now wants to be a lawyer, seeking justice for the suffering around him. In addition to studying, he campaigns for Facebook’s owner, Meta, to take responsibility for its contribution to the atrocities. Years before the attacks, Meta’s algorithms amplified anti-Rohingya incitement on the Facebook platform, fuelling the Myanmar military’s violence.
Sawyeddollah and his family have lost everything, but he still has hope. He and his community are calling on Meta to pay reparations for its role in the atrocities, including funding for educational programmes in Cox’s Bazar. He believes that education will help rebuild the shattered lives of people in his community.
Take Action: Demand Meta provide an effective remedy to Sawyeddollah and Rohingya communities
Demand that Meta provides an effective remedy to Sawyeddollah and affected Rohingya communities, as it enabled hatred and discrimination against Rohingya people to thrive on the Facebook platform.
Write to:
Mark Zuckerberg
Meta CEO
1 Hacker Way
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Email: humanrightsteam@meta.com
Salutation: Dear Mr Zuckerberg
Instagram: @zuck
Facebook: www.facebook.com/zuck
Hashtags: #PayUpMeta #RohingyaRemediation #RohingyaReparations #W4R23
Help keep Sawyeddollah’s spirit strong
Send your messages of hope and solidarity, so Sawyeddollah knows he has your support in his fight for reparations.
Maung Sawyeddollah
c/o Amnesty International South Asia Regional Office
23/2 Horton Place
Colombo 7
Sri Lanka
Twitter / X: @M_Sawyed
South Africa: Thapelo Mohapi and the Abahlali baseMjondolo movement
Threatened for defending his community
Thapelo Mohapi loves listening to jazz and supporting his favourite football teams. But since 2021 he has been in hiding because of threats to his life. He is being targeted because he is a leader of Abahlali baseMjondolo (AbM), a grassroots movement working to improve the lives of people in South Africa, including eKhenana – a community which suffers from many challenges, including economic insecurity, lack of access to adequate housing and police brutality. In 2022 alone, three AbM members were killed in eKhenana.
Thapelo Mohapi loves listening to jazz and supporting his favourite football teams, the Mamelodi Sundowns and Manchester City. But right now he can’t enjoy these things like he used to. Since 2021, he has been forced to live in hiding because of threats to his life.
As general secretary of Abahlali baseMjondolo (AbM), a vibrant and courageous grassroots movement, Thapelo has dedicated his life to fighting for the rights of people across South Africa, particularly in areas suffering economic hardship.
One such place is eKhenana, in the province of KwaZulu-Natal. Most residents are economic migrants from rural South Africa who have moved to seek a better life. They cannot afford the high costs of living in the area and often end up making homes from tin, with little to no access to water or sanitation. They also face police brutality, forced evictions and poor public services, amongst many other challenges.
Determined to improve lives in the community, AbM members in eKhenana have spoken out against cases of local government corruption and worked hard to improve life in their community by starting a school, farm, communal kitchen and shop. In return, they have been met with not just resistance but threats, harassment and intimidation from state officials who have incited violence against them. They have been victims of attempted and actual murders, violence, harassment, and damage to their homes. In 2022 alone, three AbM members were killed in eKhenana.
Take Action: Demand an investigation into harassment and killings of activists
Demand a thorough, impartial, independent, transparent and effective investigation into the harassment and killings of AbM members, bringing suspected perpetrators to justice in fair trials and an end to the attacks against AbM members.
Write to:
Minister of Police Private Bag X463 Pretoria 0001 South Africa
Salutation: Dear Minister
Twitter / X: @SAPoliceService
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SAPoliceService
Instagram: @sapoliceservice_za
Hashtags: #ProtectThapelo #ProtectAbM #W4R23
Show Thapelo and AbM you’re with them
Send your messages of friendship and hope, so they can keep up their fight for their communities.
Thapelo Mohapi and the AbM movement c/o Amnesty International South Africa 97 Oxford Road, Rosebank Johannesburg 2196 South Africa
Twitter / X: @abahlalibm
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/abahlalibasemjondolo
Instagram: @abahlalibasemjondolo
Australia: Uncle Pabai and Uncle Paul
Fighting to save their ancestral lands
Uncle Pabai and Uncle Paul’s ancestors have lived on islands of the Torres Strait, the northernmost part of Australia, for thousands of years. Now their whole way of life – which as Indigenous Peoples is deeply connected to land, sea and sky – is at risk because of climate change. If the islands become uninhabitable, they will be forced to break these connections and leave their homelands.
Uncle Pabai and Uncle Paul are community leaders from the Guda Maluyligal Nation at the northernmost part of Australia in the Torres Strait. Their Indigenous ancestors have lived on the islands for thousands of years.
Now, because of climate change, their way of life, traditional knowledge systems, cultural practices and spiritual connections that have been passed down from generation to generation could be broken forever. Rising sea levels are causing more destruction each year by eroding beaches, destroying sacred cultural sites and cemeteries where ancestors are buried, wrecking food gardens, and putting the islands’ infrastructure at risk.
Uncle Pabai and Uncle Paul, who are referred to as “uncle” by their communities as a sign of respect, have turned to the courts. They argue that the Australian government is taking insufficient action to prevent harm from climate change, resulting in the destruction of their lands and culture.
Unless urgent action is taken, many Torres Strait Islanders will be forced to leave their homelands as large parts become uninhabitable. This would be devastating to the communities. As Uncle Pabai says: “We are born to these islands, they are our mothers, our identities, who we are. For thousands of years, our warrior families fought off anyone who tried to take our homelands from us. But now, we could lose the fight to climate change.”
Take Action: Call on Australia to take urgent climate action
Demand the rights of First Nations communities in the Torres Strait are protected, by rapidly reducing carbon emissions in line with the world commitment of limiting global warming to 1.5ºC in line with the best available scientific research.
Write to:
Prime Minister of Australia PO box 6022 House of Representatives Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 Australia
Salutation: Dear Prime Minister
Sample Letter
Email: www.pm.gov.au/contact
Facebook: www.facebook.com/AlboMP
Twitter / X: @AlboMP
Instagram: @albomp
Hashtags: #PabaiVCmth #W4R23
Show Uncle Pabai, Uncle Paul and their communities that you support them
Send your messages of support to show the Peoples of the Torres Strait that you support them in their fight to protect their island homes.
Uncle Pabai and Uncle Paul c/o Amnesty International Australia Locked bag 23 Broadway, NSW, 2007 Australia
Brazil Ana Maria Santos Cruz
Her son was killed, now she fights for justice
Pedro Henrique organized “Walks of Peace” in Tucano, Bahia, Brazil, bringing people together to speak out against police abuses. His activism was met with threats and violence from the police. In December 2018, Pedro Henrique was shot by hooded men. He died, aged 31. The police officers suspected of the killing are still working and a trial has yet to begin. Despite her grief, Pedro Henrique’s mother, Ana Maria, is bravely fighting for justice for his death.
Ana Maria Santos Cruz is a loving mother. She enjoys attending concerts and cultural events with her daughter in Salvador, Brazil. However, since the death of her son, Pedro Henrique, Ana Maria feels like a part of her has been taken away.
In his short life, Pedro Henrique achieved a lot. An activist and advocate of racial justice and human rights, Pedro Henrique organized “Walks of Peace” in Tucano, Bahia, Brazil. These annual marches brought people together to speak out about police abuses primarily against Black communities.
These moments of solidarity were met with hostility and intimidation from the police. Officers began to monitor Pedro Henrique. They threatened and violently attacked him for his activism. On 27 December 2018, Pedro Henrique was killed, aged 31. His house was raided by three hooded men as he slept next to his girlfriend. He was shot eight times in the head and neck. His girlfriend recognized the three men as police officers.
The officers suspected of killing Pedro Henrique were indicted in 2019. But almost five years on, they are still active in the police force. The investigation into the killing has not been concluded and the trial has yet to begin.
Despite ongoing threats and the grief of losing her child, Ana Maria has bravely sought the truth about his death, calling on the authorities for a thorough investigation and trial.
Take Action: Support Ana Maria in her fight for justice
Demand that Brazilian authorities take all necessary measures to ensure an independent, impartial and thorough investigation into Pedro Henrique’s murder and bring those responsible to justice in fair trials.
Write to:
General Prosecutor of Bahia
Ministério Público do Estado da Bahia
Quinta Avenida, n° 750, 1° andar
sala 129, do CAB (Centro Administrativo da Bahia)
CEP 41.745-004
Salvador, BA
Salutation: Dear General Prosecutor
Sample Letter
UK Ambassador:-
His Excellency. Mr Antonio De Aguiar Patriota
Embassy of Brazil
14/16 Cockspur Street
Email: info.london@itamaraty.gov.br
Twitter / X: @MPdaBahia Hashtags: #JusticeForPedroHenrique #W4R23
YOU CAN ADD YOUR NAME TO A PETITION on Amnesty International Irelands site
Show Ana Maria she’s not alone
Send your cards, messages of solidarity to help keep Ana Maria’s spirits strong.
Ana Maria Santos Cruz
c/o Amnesty International Brazil Rua da Gloria, 344 Rooms 302 and 304 Gloria
CEP: 20241-180 Rio de Janeiro Brazil
Instagram: @justicaparapedrohenrique
Eswatini: Thulani Maseko
Killed for speaking truth to power
Thulani Maseko was a loving father and husband who dedicated his life to the people of Eswatini, a country ruled by a wealthy absolute monarchy and where approximately 60% of the population live under the poverty line. Openly critical of the country’s use of repressive laws and state violence, on 21 January 2023 Thulani was shot dead in front of his wife. To date no one has been held accountable.
Thulani Maseko was a loving father and husband. He was a committed member of the Methodist church, a devoted human rights defender, and an ally to LGBTI people. People who knew Thulani described him as humble and friendly, with an incredible sense of humour.
After qualifying as a lawyer, Thulani fought tirelessly for the people of Eswatini, a country ruled by a wealthy absolute monarchy, and where approximately 60% of the population live under the poverty line. Thulani was openly critical of the country’s repressive laws and excessive state violence used to silence peaceful protest.
Thulani knew the risk of speaking out was high. In 2014 he was arrested and charged with criminal contempt of court after writing two news articles denouncing the lack of judicial independence and integrity in Eswatini. He spent over a year in prison. Undeterred, Thulani continued his human rights work, stating in 2016: “We shall never surrender, for we know there is a price to pay for the truth.”
On 21 January 2023, Thulani paid the ultimate price. He was shot dead at close range, through the window of their home, in front of his wife, Tanele. Just hours earlier the king gave a speech stating that those calling for democratic reform would be “dealt with” and “people should not shed tears and complain about mercenaries killing them.” To date no one has been held accountable for Thulani’s killing.
Take Action: Demand justice for Thulani Maseko
Demand the unlawful killing of Thulani Maseko is effectively investigated, the people suspected of responsibility are brought to justice in a fair trial and that Thulani’s family is provided access to effective remedies.
Write to:
His Majesty King Mswati III Office of the King Lozitha Palace PO box 1 Kwaluseni Eswatini
Email: clerktoparl@swazi.net
Salutation: Your Majesty
Facebook: www.facebook.com/EswatiniGov/
Twitter / X: @EswatiniGovern1
Hashtags: #JusticeForThulaniMaseko #W4R23
Show Thulani’s family that they are not alone
Send Thulani’s wife, Tanele, messages of hope and support.
Tanele Maseko c/o Amnesty International Southern Africa Office 97 Oxford Road Saxonwold Johannesburg 2196 South Africa
Instagram: @Tanele70
Tunisia: Chaima Issa
Facing years in prison for speaking out
In the two years since President Kais Saied’s power grab, human rights in Tunisia have crumbled, many courts lack independence, and freedom of expression is under assault. Anyone who criticizes the president risks arrest and detention. But Chaima Issa is a woman who will not be silenced. After publicly opposing Kais Saied’s actions, Chaima was arbitrarily arrested and detained for over four months. She faces decades in prison for her peaceful political activism.
Speaking out for what she believes is right runs in activist Chaima Issa’s blood. The daughter of a former political prisoner, Chaima speaks truth to power. Even if the cost is her freedom.
When Tunisian president Kais Saied suspended parliament, dismissed the prime minister and took executive control of the country in July 2021 citing emergency powers, Chaima was one of the first to publicly oppose him. Since his power grab, human rights in Tunisia are more fragile than ever. Freedom of expression is under attack. Military courts target critics of the government, and the legal system lacks independence.
After meeting foreign diplomats along with other Tunisian opposition figures to discuss the political situation in Tunisia, Chaima was arrested on 22 February 2023 as part of an investigation for alleged “conspiracy”. She was released on 13 July after more than four months of arbitrary detention, but the legal case is ongoing and the authorities have banned her from travelling abroad and “appearing in public spaces”. A military court, which lacks independence, is also investigating Chaima for criticizing the authorities on a radio show. She faces decades in prison.
But Chaima will not give up. In the judge’s office Chaima exclaimed: “Is this Tunisia? Is this the Tunisia where we studied, you and me? Is this the Tunisia we dreamed of?” As she was taken to prison, surrounded by police officers, Chaima smiled, raised her fist and sang the national anthem.
Take Action: Demand Chaima Issa’s full freedom
Call on the Tunisian authorities to immediately drop the baseless investigation and other restrictions against Chaima Issa as they are related solely to the exercise of her human rights.
Write to:
President of Tunisia (email only)
Email: contact@carthage.tn
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Presidence.tn/
Twitter / X: @TnPresidency
Salutation: Your Excellency
Hashtags: #W4R23
Show Chaima that she is not alone. Send Chaima messages of hope and solidarity.
Let her know you support her in her fight for human rights in Tunisia.
Chaima Issa c/o Amnesty International Tunis Regional Office 24 Avenue de la livre Les Berges du Lac 2 Tunis Tunisia
Twitter / X: @IssaaChaima