South America Newsletter March 2021

March 6, 2021

This month, we update you on developments in Colombia, Brazil, Venezuela, Chile, Ecuador, Argentina, Peru and Paraguay.  There are three live Urgent Actions – two for Colombia and one for Venezuela – and we shall shortly add the case of Gustavo Gatica (Chile) to our portfolio of long-term cases.  Amnesty has published the results of […]

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Group Newsletter March 2021

March 3, 2021

Welcome to the latest newsletter. Whilst its not clear when we can return to Moordown Community Centre, lets just say its looking more possible that we could be back in a few months. Meanwhile, we’ve decided to host a couple of online events over the next two months. We are arranging a speaker for April/May, […]

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Europe Newsletter February 2021

February 28, 2021

This Newsletter contains a very urgent action   and the shocking news that Eren Keskin has been sentenced to 6 years in prison. Please find more information and suggested actions below. The trial against Elzbieta, Joanna and Anna should come to a verdict on 2 March. Please continue highlighting the case on social media […]

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Group Newsletter February 2021

February 28, 2021

Welcome to the latest newsletter. We have not planned a meeting for February. Unfortunately the option of meeting at Moordown Community Centre, as we did last February, isn’t available. Whilst we have had some success with Zoom, it seems to work best when we have a specific purpose – such as letter writing  or a […]

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South America Newsletter February 2021

February 6, 2021

This month we have news from Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Brazil, Argentina and Chile. Human Rights Watch has published its annual report and we include sections on Colombia and Brazil. We ask you to respond to Urgent Actions on Venezuela, for the release of 5 members of an NGO, and Brazil, where the hospitals in Manaus […]

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South America Newsletter January 2021

January 13, 2021

We hope you are doing well. This month, we update you on developments in Colombia, Brazil, Venezuela, Paraguay, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Argentina, and Chile. We have some good news to start 2021. Argentina legalised abortion. International pressure on the President and the Senators was crucial. Paraguayan authorities have opened an investigation into the attack on […]

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Group Newsletter January 2021

January 13, 2021

Welcome to the latest newsletter. We have not planned a meeting for January. Obviously we cannot currently meet at Moordown Community Centre. Whilst we have had some success with Zoom, it seems to work best when we have a specific purpose – such as letter writing (see Write 4 Rights below) or a speaker. But […]

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Europe Newsletter December 2020

January 4, 2021

This newsletter came from the Central and Eastern Europe A.I.U.K. coordinator Ulrike Schmidt, with a report on Belarus from Tess Linton.  But it also contains information on Western Europe – specifically France – from the Western Europe coordinator Anna Radzikowska:- “Dear Amnesty Activists and supporters Hard and uncertain times for all of us. Please stay […]

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Group Newsletter December 2020

December 5, 2020

Welcome to the latest newsletter. We are not having a meeting, as such, this month but more of a social gathering online to celebrate Write 4 Rights. This will be Thursday 10th December (world human rights day) at 8pm  Details below. Write for Rights Every year in December Amnesty International has encouraged and helped groups send greetings […]

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South America Newsletter December 2020

December 2, 2020

This month, we update you on developments in Colombia, Brazil, Peru, Argentina, Chile and Bolivia and on the rising prevalence of police abuse in the region. We ask you to participate in Amnesty’s social media campaign to support the legalisation of abortion in Argentina; to sign a petition to protect Colombian Human Rights Defenders; and […]

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