Group Newsletter November 2020

November 9, 2020

Welcome to the latest newsletter. The next meeting  is on Thursday 8th October 8.00pm – on ZOOM.  Obviously our plans to return to Moordown Community Centre are even further away. . Do join us if you can. There will be campaign updates and a discussion on future plans. In particular is there is anything we can do re Write […]

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South America Newsletter November 2020

November 8, 2020

We are pleased to welcome Carla Torres to our team as Country Coordinator for Argentina and Chile. This month, we update you on developments in Colombia, Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, Brazil and Argentina. We have new Amnesty reports on human rights defenders in Colombia and police violence in Chile, an update on illegal […]

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Europe Newsletter November 2020

November 1, 2020

This newsletter came from the Central and Eastern Europe A.I.U.K. coordinator Ulrike Schmidt, with a report on Belarus from Tess Linton.  But it also contains information on Western Europe – specifically France – from the Western Europe coordinator Anna Radzikowska:- “Over the last few months we have admired the courage of women leading the protests […]

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Video Meeting October 2020

October 9, 2020

Issues Discussed 8th October 2020 We discussed at length the forthcoming talk on Syria, 21st October,  by Revd Dr Andrew Ashdown:- The big issue is to how to promote locally and whether to invite other AI groups. Please can everyone let their personal contacts know and share within any groups they are involved with […]

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Group Newsletter October 2020

October 5, 2020

Welcome to the latest newsletter. The next meeting  is on Thursday 8th October 8.00pm – on ZOOM.  Obviously our plans to return to Moordown Community Centre have been put on hold. Do join us if you can. There will be campaign updates and a discussion on future plans. In particular we will review plans for our Syria talk […]

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Syrian Conflict: the Human Impact

October 4, 2020

Talk by Revd Dr. Andrew Ashdown Wednesday 21st October 7.30pm Jane Waller from the New Forest Group recommended booking the Revd Dr. Andrew Ashdown. She attended a Zoom talk of his on Syria and found it very informative (and well presented).  Whilst the talk will highlight the dire situation and flag up some Human Rights […]

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South America Newsletter October 2020

October 3, 2020

This month, we update you on developments in Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Peru, Argentina,  Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile and Paraguay.  We alert you to three recent or upcoming Amnesty reports: on the use of repressive, mandatory quarantines under COVID-19 in three countries in the Americas; on the lack of protection for Human Rights Defenders in Colombia; and […]

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Zoom Meeting September 2020

September 12, 2020

Issues discussed 10th September:- Moordown Community Centre (MCC) MCC have been in contact with plans to reopen next week on 14th September.  Groups will be required to complete a risk assessment – DR has been in contact and MCC and they are devising their own to complete. However, the announcement this week of a maximum […]

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Groups Newsletter September 2020

September 7, 2020

Welcome to the latest newsletter. The next meeting  is on Thursday 10th September, 8.00pm – on ZOOM.  Moordown Community Centre is about to reopen (see below) – one subject for discussion on Thursday is how we continue to meet and communicate.  Do join us if you can. There will be campaign updates and a discussion on future plans. Please reply […]

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South America Newsletter September 2020

September 5, 2020

This month we report on human rights abuses related to measures taken by the authorities to combat Covid-19 in Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil and Argentina. In Venezuela and Argentina the systematic human rights abuses by the security forces have been exposed during the pandemic. In Colombia, the killing, forced disappearances and threats to social leaders […]

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