Its live! After months of preparation the Mayor of Bournemouth, Councillor Lawrence Williams, and the Mayoress opened our photography exhibition at the library. They are standing by the tapestry created by Amnesty groups in the South, depicting the 30 articles of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. This also forms a major part of the exhibition.
But the main focus of the exhibition is the historic plight of refugees and features 30 photographs taken by photographers from the Magnum agency over the past 70 years. The photographs document some of the issues surrounding refugees from the mass upheaval and displacement of the post-war years to the present-day crisis in Syria, Afghanistan and South Sudan. There is also a compilation of videos, 25 minutes long in total, continuously on display highlighting Amnesty’s work and the plight of refugees. The exhibition is on till the 28th of April – do get to see it if you can.

AI Bournemouth, Poole & Christchurch chair Andy Turner welcomes the Mayor and Mayoress