Autumn Quiz 2013

picture quiz

………. picture quiz sample……. who are these 3 “wise” men?

Our Autumn Quiz made £137, plus provided a nice “relaxing” evening’s entertainment. New quiz setter David Rogers did set the bar fairly high, although all questions had at least one correct answer from the nine teams battling it out!  Sally Hawksworth didn’t take any nonsense as new quiz master (mistress?). In the end there was only 1/2 point dividing the top two teams – the difference between a bottle of cheap wine or a packet of Halibro (perhaps in future don’t rely on the Treasurer to buy the prizes!).

The Britannia in Lower Parkstone was again a very agreeable venue – and they do not charge.  Whilst David and Rosemary Brown will return in the Spring, we need a new venue. ye Olde George Inn in Christchurch has turned their function room into a restaurant, so will no longer be able to help out. Any suggestions?

For those who were not there,  please send an email via the contact link and we’ll send you the questions – with and without answers. The men above? The Heads of MI 6 (Sir John Sawers) GCHQ (Sir Iain Lobban) MI 5 (Andrew Parker). Easy!!!