After 18 months of hard work, our Human Rights Art Exhibition is now live. Last night (Tuesday 11th March) we welcomed the Mayor of Christchurch John Lofts to offically open the Christchurch end of the exhibition.

artist neville cooper shows his work to christchurch mayor john lofts and local Amnesty International group’s genevieve talon
Many of the artists who had submitted work turned out, along with group members, friends and well-wishers.
We had quite a crowd, as you can see below. Thanks to the staff of Christchurch Priory for their help in hosting the launch, and for letting us have the church as a venue. They have many visitors who come to admire this beautiful, historic place of worship, so allowing us space in a venue not designed for pictures (you can’t nail or screw into 900 year old walls!) was particularly nice of them.