Welcome to the latest news from your local Amnesty Group.
Our next meeting is Thursday, 14th May 2015 at 7.30pm at Moordown Community Centre, Bournemouth. On the agenda:- Stop Torture campaign update; Cuba update; Keep the Human Rights Act; South American Individuals at Risk – details on some of these things below. But a quick note about out June meeting…
China Campaign Speaker
Andy Moody, AIUK China coordinator, is now scheduled for a talk at our monthly meeting in Moordown on the 11th June. We have recently taken on some Individual case files from China, and have periodically taken part in other campaigns. But there is little doubt China remains one of the worst countries for trampling over its citizens Human Rights, and executes more people than the rest of the wold put together. So it will be interesting to hear what Andy has to say and whether there have been any successes in recent years. So if you are not a regular attender, please come along as we would like a full house if possible.
Spring Quiz
Thanks to everyone who supported our Spring Quiz – and in particular to quiz-master David Brown. We raised a stunning £275 – more details here. The Brunswick was a good venue in many ways – particularly as they didn’t charge – but any feedback and/or suggestions welcome. As things stand we hope to have our Autumn Quiz at the Queen Mary Inn, Poole, as last year – which was very cozy. But let us have your comments.
Keep the Human Rights Act
On Friday some of us got a message from Kate Allen, Director of AIUK….
“With the election results now in it is likely that the Human Rights Act is will be under threat like never before. Over the next few days and weeks we will be carefully analysing the results and planning our next steps.”
As David Cameron has already put Michael Gove in charge of Justice, we hope AIUK don’t spend too long deciding what to do next!! Meanwhile we will have our own discussion and plan what to do in the short term. This is likely to involve writing to our newly elected Members of Parliament – if you would like to join in with this, please respond letting us know what constituency you live in…
Its not too late to add a comment to Genevieve’s letter to the Bournemouth Echo. We’ve not sure what sort of algorithm they use, but adding your opinion won’t do any harm – even if you just gives the letter or some comments the thumbs up! http://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/yoursay/letterstotheeditor/12924830.Vital_human_rights_sometimes_taken_for_granted/
South America Update
The group has long been associated with South American. We have recently adopted two new “Individuals at Risk” case Action Files – one from Brasil and one from Venezuela. At the meeting last month we started working on the Brazilian Action File – sending letters to authorities and a card in support to the individual concerned (which we also did at the quiz). We will be starting the Venezuela case file this month.
But AI recently published a report on the dire situation in Venezuela. In this context, the letters we wrote to their Government officials bringing attention to this recent Amnesty statement are still valid. Do follow this up if you cannot attend the meeting by visiting this link.
We currently only use Facebook, of the various social media at our disposal. However, we are the most followed of all UK local groups and have started to give advice to others on how to use Facebook successfully! Ironically, at our local group meeting, most attendees are not Facebook users… If unfamiliar, please be aware that all you need to join Facebook is an email address, name and date of birth. We assume most folk have few “dud” addresses (surely you don’t have only one email address!!) – your editor has a couple of “fake” Facebook accounts for testing purposes. So you don’t have to sell your soul and make contact with old school friends to use Facebook…
The reason for bring this to your attention is that every week, via Facebook, we alert followers to various emails, petitions, letters and other types of action that usually only take minutes to fulfill. Also they can be shared with “non” AI followers to take action. In the opinion of your editor Facebook has major importance in getting new people engaged in Amnesty International. Please don’t ignore this…. www.Facebook.com/AIBPC
In the past we held many stalls at Trade Union Conferences when they visited Bournemouth, plus we had our own Garden Party. Times have changed, but as reported above, Ted and May still turn out at a variety of Fairs and Carnivals – such as in Winton, Boscombe and now Muscliff Funday!
So if you have any jewellery (even broken), scarves, handbags (particularly evening), books, bric-a-brac or other knick-knacks in any condition that you wish to donate, please let May Stevens know (01202) 510886. They can collect.