Newsletter March 10th 2015


Welcome to the latest news from your local Amnesty Group. Apologies for short notice of the next meeting, which is our AGM, but your editor has had major computer “issues”.
Our next meeting is Thursday, 12th March 2015 at 7.30pm at Moordown Community Centre, Bournemouth. On the agenda:-  AGM (including discussing/adopting constitution – see attached document); feedback from Regional Conference; General Election Strategy.

Spring Quiz

quiz nightWe are back on track with our popular Spring Quiz. This is now organised for Friday April 24th at the Brunswick Hotel, 199 Malmesbury Park Road, Charminster, Bournemouth BH8 8PX.
For those unfamiliar, our quizzes are informal but competitive! Teams of up to 6, which can be formed on the night. Singles and couples get added to other teams, usually leaving teams with at least 4. Entrance to £5, pay at the door.  David and Rosemary Brown will return as hosts, so put it in your diary now.

China Campaign

Another date for your diary. We have provisionally booked Andy Moody, AIUK China coordinator, for a talk at our monthly meeting in Moordown on the 14th May. However, this is subject to confirmation. More details next month.

Raif Badwadi

Raif BadawiA few weeks ago the plight of Raif Badawi reached the BBC news. He received the first 50 of 1000 lashes on 9th January, but then subsequent floggings have been postponed on medical grounds. He still has 10 years in prison to serve, simply for blogging about free speech.
Its important to keep the pressure on. Firstly there is a petition – currently passed 1,000,000 – and there is also an email you can send to Simon Collis, the new Ambassador of the UK to Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia have recently hit back, saying it “expresses its intense surprise and dismay” over international criticism. This followed criticism by German vice-chancellor Sigmar Gabriel, who described the punishment to Raif Badawi as “unimaginable”, ahead of a meeting with the Saudi King.


jewelleryIn the past we held many stalls at Trade Union Conferences when they visited Bournemouth, plus we had our own Garden Party.  Times have changed, but as reported above, Ted and May still turn out at a variety of Fairs and Carnivals – such as in Winton, Boscombe and now Muscliff Funday!
So if you have any jewellery (even broken), scarves, handbags (particularly evening), bric-a-brac or other knick-knacks in any condition that you wish to donate, please let May Stevens know (01202) 510886. They can collect.