Happy New Year. Welcome to the latest news from your local Amnesty Group
Our next meeting is Thursday, 8th January 2015 at 7.30pm at Moordown Community Centre, Bournemouth. On the agenda:- Cuba Writing (see also below); Discussion about taking on a Chinese Case following contact with Andy Moody (AIUK China Country Coordinator); planning for year ahead.
Another Quiz!
We had two successful Quiz Nights of our own last year, hopefully to be repeated in Spring and Autumn. Apologies for the short notice, but on Friday, January 9th, 7pm, there will be a quiz night in aid of Amnesty International and Parkinson’s Disease Society at Arts University Bournemouth. The cost is £10, to include a fish’n’chips supper. You can pay on the night – just let us know (reply to this) and we will put tickets aside for you. You can come with a full team (six maximum), or just join other people on the night. No bar – bring your own drinks. The venue is :-
The Refectory, Arts University, Wallisdown, Bournemouth ((free parking and there will be signs up to direct, but – reply and ask for a map if unsure).
Write for Rights

write for rights in Boscombe
Every year Amnesty International has encouraged and helped groups send greetings cards to prisoners of conscience around the world in December. In recent years Amnesty has branded this as “Write for Rights” and produced much more informative information leaflets, featuring over a dozen prisoners of conscience.
As usual we made this a mainstay of our December meeting, but also had a pitch at Boscombe Market. The latter was fairly cold and slow going, but we did get two local Councillors (Chris Wakefield and Jane Kelly) to sign some cards. Thanks for everyone who turned out then or joined in our December meeting. Its not too late to take part – either to send cards or messages (including text) or download action sheets to write campaign letters.
For several years our local group has campaigned on behalf of prisoners of conscience in Cuba – at our last meeting we planned to do more letter writing in January. Since then, there have been historic moves to normalize diplomatic relations between the US and Cuba and the release of Alan Gross and the 3 remaining Cubans of the Miami Five. Please see the full press release here:-
“This release after more than a decade and a half behind bars in the USA, following proceedings that fell short of international fair trial standards, must come as an immense relief for these three men and their families. Concerns raised by Amnesty International and others over their trial and treatment should have prompted US authorities to grant these men clemency years ago,” said Erika Guevara Rosas, Americas Director at Amnesty International
In the past we held many stalls at Trade Union Conferences when they visited Bournemouth, plus we had our own Garden Party. Times have changed, but as reported above, Ted and May still turn out at a variety of Fairs and Carnivals – such as in Winton, Boscombe and now Muscliff Funday!
So if you have any second-hand books, jewellery (even broken), scarves, handbags (particularly evening), bric-a-brac or other knick-knacks in any condition that you wish to donate, please let May Stevens know (01202) 510886. They can collect.