Newsletter April 6th 2015


Welcome to the latest news from your local Amnesty Group.
Our next meeting is Thursday, 9th April 2015 at 7.30pm at Moordown Community Centre, Bournemouth. On the agenda:- Cuba petition; Keep the Human rights Act;  South American Individuals at Risk – details on all these things below.

 Spring Quiz

quiz nightWe are back on track with our popular Spring Quiz. This is now organised for Friday April 24th at the Brunswick Hotel, 199 Malmesbury Park Road, Charminster, Bournemouth BH8 8PX.  7.30 for 8.00pm sharp start.
For those unfamiliar, our quizzes are informal but competitive! Teams of up to 6, which can be formed on the night. Singles and couples get added to other teams, usually leaving teams with at least 4. Entrance to £5, pay at the door.  David and Rosemary Brown will return as hosts, so put it in your diary now.

China Campaign Speaker Update

A change from last months newsletter;  Andy Moody, AIUK China coordinator, is now scheduled for a talk at our monthly meeting in Moordown on the 11th June.  More details, and hopefully a final confirmation, next month.


We don’t have anyone attending the national AIUK AGM in two weeks time. If anyone if interested in reading the resolutions up for discussion, click here.

Keep the Human Rights Act

As we discussed at last months meeting, one of the two main strands of Amnesty focus for the General Election is the Human Rights Act (the other is Stop Torture).  A.I. are concerned that this isn’t watered down or replaced by whoever wins. As I’m sure you’ve noticed, the HRA has often been a target for the media and some politicians as “interfering with justice”.  What A.I. are encouraging us to do is to ensure all candidates known that we see the HRA as important, that it protects us from abuses by the state.

To this end, ask candidates questions and seek their views at hustings, on the doorstep and through letters – pointing out some of the ways it has been beneficial, not hindrance.  Its worth looking at this page of the AIUK site:-   Most of it is useful and interesting, but on this issue download the HRA briefing and case sheet.

At the meeting we will also have pledge cards to sign and also to use for photographs – as demonstrated by Emma…human rights act

Cuba Update

The group have taken many actions on Cuban prisoners of conscience over the years. We had this recent update from Sue Bingham, country coordinator for Cuba:-

“It would appear that detentions of dissidents are continuing in Cuba. For example, there are unconfirmed reports that on 15 March over one hundred activists, mostly belonging to the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU) and Citizens for Democracy (CxD), were arrested while trying to reach the Catholic church, the Sanctuary of El Cobre, in Santiago de Cuba.”

Sue has also forwarded a petition for us to complete in light of the recent new era of reconciliation between Cuba and the USA and the moves to renew diplomatic relations. The petition calls on Cuban authorities to lift various restrictions that impinge of the freedom of its citizens. Learn more about this, and sign the petition at our meeting. If unable to attend, please reply to this newsletter and ask for a copy.

South America Update

As with Cuba, the group has long been associated with South American. We strongly urge you to check out the latest newsletter from the SA Regional Coordinators, that gives brief updates on Venezuela, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia and Chile – plus links to actions. This is on our blog at

The newsletter includes a sample letter you can adapt to President Maduro of Venezuela. This follows the killing of Kluiverth Roa Núñez , a 14-year-old boy,  last month during an anti-government protest amid reports of excessive use of force by the security forces.

We have recently adopted two new “Individuals at Risk” case Action Files – one from Brasil and one from Venezuela. These will be discussed at the meeting on Thursday, and strategy planned. But its worth noting, the Venezuela coordinator has recommended we start with a more general letter to authorities, following a recent report from Amnesty International highlighting the stories of those who died or were arbitrarily arrested and tortured in detention during, and after, last year’s protests in Venezuela. Many of those arrested still face charges, but no one has been held to account for the reported 43 deaths.


jewelleryIn the past we held many stalls at Trade Union Conferences when they visited Bournemouth, plus we had our own Garden Party.  Times have changed, but as reported above, Ted and May still turn out at a variety of Fairs and Carnivals – such as in Winton, Boscombe and now Muscliff Funday!
So if you have any jewellery (even broken), scarves, handbags (particularly evening), books, bric-a-brac or other knick-knacks in any condition that you wish to donate, please let May Stevens know (01202) 510886. They can collect.