Groups Newsletter September 2020
Welcome to the latest newsletter.
The next meeting is on Thursday 10th September, 8.00pm – on ZOOM. Moordown Community Centre is about to reopen (see below) – one subject for discussion on Thursday is how we continue to meet and communicate. Do join us if you can. There will be campaign updates and a discussion on future plans.
Please reply to this newsletter if you would like the Zoom invite. |
Does owning this poster warrant two years in prison – see below?
Moordown Community Centre
We have received notification that Moordown will reopen on 14th September. Whilst there will be changes in how they operate (for example the cafe will remain closed), this shouldn’t significantly impact on our group meetings. Its likely we will have to decide a limit on numbers attending, but our problem has usually been too few rather than too many!
But having experimented with Zoom, the question has to be asked – Do we return to Moordown and meet monthly as before? Obviously we can talk about this Thursday, but we welcome any feedback on this. Do reply to the newsletter. |
Ideas for the Future
The lockdown has significantly impacted on the activities of us and all groups. Annual events such as Bourne Free didn’t happen. Whilst we have to be hesitant and wary about how to proceed, we’re open to ideas. Annual events that are still possible are a Quiz night and having a Write 4 Right Event. Do look at the links to remind yourself of these successful events last year.
In both cases we will need to liaise with other organisations, such as Bournemouth Library, and there is no guarantee they will be happy to host. But what do you think?
Other groups and organisations have hosted online talks via Zoom and other platforms. Whilst there are drawbacks with this, the same applies to having a speaker. Even before COVID we frequently floated ideas about having a speaker on a variety of topics, and occasionally they happened. But they took alot of organising and now will be very difficult to facilitate.
A Zoom talk on the humanitarian crisis in Syria has been proposed, following a recommendation by one of our members. She heard a good speaker with extensive of the country and has his contact details. Would this sort of thing be of interest to you?
Again, do reply to the newsletter. |
Poland: Drop Charges Against LGBTI+ Activist Elżbieta Podleśna
We featured the plight of Elżbieta Podleśna back in July, but her situation is unresolved and her case remains open. She is also featured in the Autumn edition of the Amnesty UK members newsletter, with addresses if you wish to write.
Elżbieta Podleśna has been charged and could face two years in prison after being accused of owning a poster of the Virgin Mary with a rainbow halo. Elżbieta is one of many activists who are being attacked for taking a stand against discrimination in Poland. After almost a year under investigation, Elżbieta has been charged with ‘offending religious beliefs’ and could face two years in prison.
Email Poland’s Prosecutor General and demand this ludicrous investigation to be stopped immediately. |
Elzbieta Podlesna |
South America Newsletter
The September edition of the South America Regional Newsletter is now on the blog. Our group has focused on South America since its inception. A reoccurring theme is the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, adding to the list of threats to the Indigenous Peoples of the Amazon and across the Americas.
For centuries they have been facing deadly threats that the uncontrolled extractive activities of hydroelectric, oil, mining, and timber companies represent – both legal and illegal. This is exacerbated by the devastating fires – also linked to commercial interests.
Its also worth noting that the newsletter does carry some good news, with reports of releases and pardons across the region, in some cases where there has been campaigning and protests. |