Group Newsletter August 2023
Welcome to the latest newsletter.
Our next meeting is on Thursday 7th September2023, 7.30pm at Moordown Community Centre. However, before that we have our first ever “Jamnesty”… |
Jamnesty at Chaplins Bar
We are delighted to announce that Chaplins Bar Boscombe have agreed to stage a music benefit for Amnesty International – a Jamnesty – on
Saturday 2nd September 2023.
This starts at 12.30pm and goes on till 3am! (although our involvement won’t go on beyond 10pm) There will be an afternoon session on their Garden Stage, a brief early evening on Chaplins Bar Stage then transferring to their Cellar Bar Main Stage. The “suggested voluntary donation entry” will go to Amnesty.
The music line-up is (currently):-
Garden Stage (Cellar Bar if wet)
12.30 Westbourne Strings
1.15 TBC
2.00 Benjamin Torrens
2.45 Amica
3.30 Spoken word by various local poets
4.15 Mischa
5.00 High Shelf Remedy
Chaplins Bar Stage
6.00 Otis J Blues Band
Cellar Bar Main Stage
8.00 TBC
9.00 Four Corners Collectif
10.00 Clockwork Carousel
Midnight DJ
We also have planned a Book Stall, Cake Stall, Face Painting and a raffle. We need volunteers to help – mainly collecting money! Please reply to this email or use the contact form if you would like to help, or have any queries. We will update our Events page as we get more information. |
South America Newsletter August 2023
The August South America Newsletter has four different calls to action, including two from Argentina. Last month there were peaceful protests in Jujuy Province, in the extreme northwest of Argentina. Amnesty International then called for an end to the violent police repression used against the protestors. But since protests began at least 130 people have been detained.
One of these is Alberto Naller. He is a human rights lawyer who provided support and legal assistance to people detained during the mobilizations and their families. Alberto Naller was arrested on July 13th and charged with sedition; Amnesty has called for charges against Alberto Nallar be dropped. Send an email via the AIUK website. |
Osman Kavala: Imprisoned in Erdogan’s Türkiye
Europe Newsletter July 2023
The July Europe Newsletter, only just published, has an overview of President Erdoğan’s re-election in Türkiye. An ongoing campaigns in Türkiye is for the release of those known as the “Gezi 7”. One of them is the Turkish human rights activist and arts patron Osman Kavala. He has initiated numerous projects to promote dialogue between different cultures and communities and strengthen Turkish civil society. He also champions the rights of minorities in Türkiye, first and foremost the Kurdish and Armenian ones.
Osman Kavala was originally arrested on charges of masterminding the 2013 Gezi Park mass protests against the government of President Erdoğan. He was acquitted of that charge in February 2020. He was released from detention at the Silivri high security prison but re-arrested just a few hours later – and this time accused of involvement in an attempted coup. In 2022, Kavala was sentenced to aggravated life imprisonment. See more about his story on the video above. |