Please Sign the Petition
We are in Bournemouth Square this Sunday (13th May) afternoon collecting signatures for an Amnesty International petition. We want David Cameron to join Nick Clegg and Ed Miliband by publicly committing the UK to lead the way in securing a bulletproof Arms Trade Treaty.

Lets get Cameron to commit to an Arms Trade Treaty
No one knows for sure how many hundreds of thousands of people were killed in Iraq under Saddam Hussein. But we do know that at least some of the weapons used to do the killing came from companies based in the UK and USA. The weapons were sold to him even though it was known he was committing such atrocities.
World leaders meet in July to draw up the first ever treaty aimed at controlling this deadly trade. With your help, the Arms Trade Treaty can help save thousands of lives. But it will only succeed if it makes clear that arms shall not be transferred where there is serious risk that they will be used to commit human rights abuses and atrocities as well as fuel poverty.
As one of the most influential players in the negotiations, we need David Cameron to commit to championing an effective Arms Trade Treaty. You need to tell him it matters. Please sign the petition and urge Cameron not to compromise on human rights. Together we can save thousands of lives.
Please Take Action
If you cannot join us in the Square on Sunday (head towards Debenhams, between 2 – 4pm) there are other ways to join in. You may want to download this excellent Amnesty booklet giving more detailed background information and action advice.
You can sign the petition online here.
You can email your MP here.
Obviously anyone can write their own letters to David Cameron, your MP, Government Ministers, etc. The main thing is to take action now. As we said above, world leaders meet in July to draw up the first ever treaty aimed at controlling this deadly trade. Without pressure from us this could be just a damp squib. Please act.